Fellows of Jonathan Edwards

A (11) | B (24) | C (16) | D (11) | E (12) | F (16) | G (17) | H (20) | I (1) | J (6) | K (14) | L (17) | M (18) | N (10) | O (3) | P (13) | Q (1) | R (9) | S (21) | T (5) | U (1) | V (3) | W (11) | X (1) | Y (2) | Z (2)

Janet Hafler


Janet Hafler, Associate Dean for Educational Scholarship and Professor of Pediatrics at the Yale Medical School is very interested in talking with students about the transition to Yale University, about careers in health care and in education. Over her career she has taught, advised students, residents and faculty in the health care professions, and participated in medical school admissions. As the Director of the Teaching and Learning Center at the YSM, which was opened in 2012 Janet loves the contact with students and faculty who are passionate about education. Being a new grandmother, and raising two sons with David Hafler who is the Chair of Neurology at Yale School of Medicine she has tried to balance her balance work and family. She loves to take walks, do yoga and cook. janet.hafler@yale.edu

Sondra Haller


Former Associate Master of Jonathan Edwards College 

Contact Sondra at sondra.haller@gmail.com

Gary L. Haller


Gary L. Haller is Emeritus Professor of Chemical & Environmental Engineering and Chemistry at Yale University.  He received his PhD in Physical Chemistry in 1966 from Northwestern University.  He has been a member of the Yale faculty since 1967.  At Yale, he has been Chair of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Chair oft he Council of Engineering, and Becton Professor of Engineering and Applied Science, and Master of the Jonathan Edwards College. 
He has held visiting positions in international institutions including Oxford University, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, Universidad del Sur, Argentina (United Nations consultant), University of Edinburgh, Technical University of Münich, as well as in the US, such as National Bureau of Standards and New York University. 
He has been Editor of the Journal of Catalysis and member of the board of editors and editorial boards for American Scientist, Catalysis Reviews, Journal of Catalysis, Catalysis Letters, Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters, and the Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical
He was the General Chairman, of the 11th International Congress on Catalysis, Baltimore, as well as Chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Catalysis, and Chair of the Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry (ACS). President and Vice-President of The Catalysis Society, as well as member of the Board of Directors. He has been an active industrial consultant for more than 15 companies.  
Through his career he has received numerous awards and distinctions, including the Robert Burwell Lectureship (Catalysis Society) Netherlands Institute for Catalysis Research Lectureship, the Lacey Lectureship (Caltech), the Ipatieff Lectureship (Northwestern), the Harry Fair Lectureship (Oklahoma), the Yale Science and Engineering Association Award for Meritorious Service, the Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York Award for Excellence in Catalysis, the George C. A. Schuit Lectureship (Delaware).
He is author and co-author of 250 publications, 1 book and 8 industrial patents.

Donald J. Hannan lll


Donald J. Hannan lll is currently a Partner at the Atwood Group, a Wealth Management team at Merrill Lynch’s Private Bank in Boston. Before joining  Merrill lynch, Don worked at East Coast Asset Management and Saturn Asset , a New England based venture capital firm .Prior to his Financial Services career, Don served for twenty years as an ordained Episcopal Priest, after graduating from Yale Divinity School , spending the majority of his ministry in Connecticut. His not for profit interests Included being Board Chairman of Big Brothers/Big Sisters  and Board member of the American Red Cross. Today he continues to serve on Harvard Medical Schools Global Advisory council and also on the National Leadership Council for the University of Arizona.  He has three Children, Tully Robinson, Emily Wynne and Parley Eastwood and lives with his companion Rosanne Thomas on Beacon Hill.

Erik Harms


Associate Professor of Anthropology


Theresa Fairbanks Harris


Theresa Fairbanks Harris is the Senior Conservator, Works on Paper for the two Yale Art Museums.  She has a BA from Yale College and was a student in Jonathan Edwards.  She has a Masters in Science in Conservation from the University of Delaware Winterthur Conservation Program. Fairbanks Harris is an expert in paper history, art, and artist’s materials.  She has researched, published, lectured and taught about paper for over 40 years.  Her extensive employment experience in this discipline includes work as conservator and teacher in Conservation departments at Yale University and the Yale University Art Museums since 1982, the Smithsonian from 1981-1982, Harvard from 1980-1981, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Yale Rare Book Conservation Lab for Libraries from 1974-75.  She has taught since 1983 in Yale University departments of: History of Art, Fine Arts and more recently for the Paleography and Music Departments. She lectures on paper and artist’s materials nationally and internationally.

Doug Hausladen


Doug Hausladen is the Executive Director of the New Haven Parking Authority and has served previously as the Director of Transportation for the City of New Haven. He graduated from Davenport in 2004 with a degree in Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry. Doug comes to the public sector with a background in community organizing, issue based advocacy, and transportation activism with professional experiences in real estate management, entrepreneurship, and public health. He was twice-elected to the Board of Alders in New Haven representing the 7th Ward encompassing the Downtown and Medical Districts. Mayor Harp appointed Doug to his current position in 2014; he became the Acting Executive Director of the New Haven Parking Authority in 2015. In his present role he is a leader in New England in Complete Streets, Smart Parking, Mobile Payment, Active Transportation, and Sustainability. Doug grew up on the Kentucky side of Cincinnati, is a proud Kentucky Colonel, and is the volunteer Head Coach of the Yale Mens Club Water Polo team.

Caroline Hendel


Caroline Hendel, JE ‘83, wife of John Wysolmerski, JE ‘82, and parent of Michael Wysolmerski, JE ‘12, is a Senior Associate General Counsel in the University’s Office of the General Counsel. She is interested in speaking with students who are considering careers in the law. Caroline graduated from Harvard Law School in 1986, clerked for the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, and worked for several years in a large Boston law firm before coming back to work at Yale. As a result, she has experience in a variety of legal practice areas. Her focus is on employment law and discrimination law, with particular emphasis on those practice areas in the field of higher education. She is always happy to discuss anything having to do with life at Yale and in JE. Caroline.hendel@yale.edu

Florian Hill



Kathryn Hill


I study ancient Mesopotamia and hold a joint appointment in Humanities and in Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations, where I serve as DUS. I’m also a proud Connecticut local!

Supervisor of World Languages