Theresa Fairbanks Harris is the Senior Conservator, Works on Paper for the two Yale Art Museums. She has a BA from Yale College and was a student in Jonathan Edwards. She has a Masters in Science in Conservation from the University of Delaware Winterthur Conservation Program. Fairbanks Harris is an expert in paper history, art, and artist’s materials. She has researched, published, lectured and taught about paper for over 40 years. Her extensive employment experience in this discipline includes work as conservator and teacher in Conservation departments at Yale University and the Yale University Art Museums since 1982, the Smithsonian from 1981-1982, Harvard from 1980-1981, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Yale Rare Book Conservation Lab for Libraries from 1974-75. She has taught since 1983 in Yale University departments of: History of Art, Fine Arts and more recently for the Paleography and Music Departments. She lectures on paper and artist’s materials nationally and internationally.